April 27, 2023
Zakouma National Park
Zakouma National Park is one of the last remaining intact Sudano-Sahelian ecosystems in Africa. Due to its close proximity to the centre of the Chadian Basin, the terrain of the park is almost exclusively flat with the exception of the beautiful granite inselbergs found in the south-west near Ibir. As one of three national parks in Chad, Zakouma forms an integral part of the conservation of flora and fauna in the region, as well as being the only game viewing destination. The Chadian government has been committed to protecting this natural heritage even through many years of conflict. Today Zakouma is one of the most important protected areas in Central and West Africa. Zakouma has three tiers of accommodation available in the park. Camp Salamat which is a camp site for self catering.
Musée National N’Djamena
Though many of its artifacts have been lost over the years, the Musée National N’Djamena still makes for an interesting visit. It’s a small and well-run museum of ethnography, palaeontology and the natural history of Chad. The prime exhibit is the Toumai skull of the earliest clear hominid ancestor of Homo sapiens – 7 million years old (the last Common ancestor of Man and Chimpanzee).
Guelta d’Archei
The guelta of Archei is one of the most spectacular permanent water reservoirs of the Central Africa placed inside a monumental canyon decorated with some rock paintings and home of a few shy crocodiles, living fossils from the times when the Sahara was green. It is filled almost every day with hundreds of dromedaries and domestic animals drinking the dark water. The panorama from a viewpoint reachable crossing the wadi
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Mauris non dignissim purus, ac commodo diam. Donec sit amet lacinia nulla. Aliquam quis purus in justo pulvinar tempor. Aliquam tellus nulla, sollicitudin at euismod